On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

> What I am hoping to do for Tk804 is put some kind of callback to perl
> hook in so that when Tk wants a font for a particular character it
> can call to perl and perl will give it strong push in a particular direction.
> Thus for someone expecting Japanese if asked for a Han character
> it will suggest a JIS font. While for someone expecting Chinese it
> will suggest a Big5 or gb2312 font as appropriate.

  If you want, you can take a look at nsFontMetricsGTK.cpp file
of mozilla. You can view that huge file (over 6,000 lines of
code) by going to http://lxr.mozilla.org and typing in the
file name. Compare that with nsFontMetricsXft.cpp or
nsFontMetricsWin.cpp and you'll realize the enormous difficulty of the
problem you're trying to tackle.  See, for example,

  Perhaps, your problem is of the limited scope, but still
it won't be a  very pleasant experience ;-)

Can Tk use Xft and fontconfig
(http://fontconfig.org) where/when available? Using XLFD-based
fonts (15year old) is not such a good idea if you don't have to.

> What gets really painful is the Unicode fonts - one has to look at
> which characters it has to decide if it
> Japanese/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese/Korean or just a grab-bag
> of glyphs font designer had to hand.

  Some Unicode fonts have a signature for 'lang'. For instance,
'misc-fixed-iso10646-1' fonts that come with XFree86 have 'ko' and
'ja' in add-style field. Other fonts have a 'lang signature' in
registry-encoding pairs (e.g. ucs2.korean-0)
http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215537). As you wrote,
most of them don't and it'll make some old system almost to a halt
for tens of seconds if you want to open Unicode X11 core fonts
and examine which char. is covered.


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