Around 23 o'clock on Aug 31, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

> Turns out Keith Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had already done skeleton
> of required Xft code for tk8.3 - so perl/Tk (Tk804) will probably include an 
> option to use that. (Still needs some work.) 

If you can, you should move to Pango instead of raw Xft; the results you 
get will be significantly better for languages requiring complex layout.

> Martin suggested using SIL's "graphite" as well - but that seems to need 
> tweaks to Xft? 

SIL wants to identify fonts with graphite support; I think owen figured 
out what is needed for fontconfig to make that happen before the fonts get 
loaded, now all we need is someone to go and write the code.


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