Piyush Shourie wrote:

>Libiconv is present in my local machine, and is there in LIB PATH also.
>However, still the same error is displayed.
>Can you provide me with some hints to rectify the said error?
OK, I tried it myself now.  It seems that although your iconv library 
path is in your LIB path, the library was not in the list of libraries 
being linked against:  "iconv.lib" isn't in this list:

link -out:blib\arch\auto\Text\Iconv\Iconv.dll -dll -nologo -nodefaultlib 
-release  -libpath:"C:\Perl\lib\CORE"  -machine:x86 Iconv.obj   
C:\SiteMinderPerl\lib\CORE\perl56.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib 
user32.lib gdi32.libw inspool.lib  comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib 
ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  netapi32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib 
winmm.lib  version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib -def:Iconv.def

So the build process would have found it if it had looked for it, but it 
wasn't actually looking.

To tell the build process to look for the library, start again with 
something like:

    perl Makefile.PL LIBS=iconv.lib

(or use something like "perl Makefile.PL LIBS=C:\libiconv\lib\iconv.lib" 
if your libiconv library path isn't in %LIB%.)

- Steve

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