Anthony Ettinger wrote:

> Apache runs as an underprivileged user though. I'm
> assuming you want one cgi script where they enter
> their username and a vacation msg in a form from a web
> page.
> You would have to open up their ~/.forward files to be
> world writable (which would mean they could
> potentially change each others vacation messages).
> It might be possible to execute a command with 'sudo
> username' from your script, writing out the .forward
> file for a particular user, creating as only writable
> by that one user.
> What do you think? Any other ideas?

Some sort of login/user verification would obviously be
needed and the script would obviously have to be able to
then write to the file or interface to another task that

> --- $Bill Luebkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Michael Meltzer wrote:
>>>A user should change or create his vacation
>>message text via perl cgi.
>>>Does someone know about such a script ?
>>>How can the user edit/change text ?
>>>Where should I search/start ?
>>>We use apache, sendmail, procmail.
>>If you have procmail set up to do your vacation msg,
>>you could just
>>modify ${HOME}/.vacation.msg by a simple open, write
>>and close in the
>>CGI script.  You would need to have write access of
>>course.  In some
>>cases, it would be in ${HOME}/.forward file instead
>>- depending on how
>>it's set up.  File locking could also be a

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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