Title: File I/O Find/Replace Problems...PERL
You can replace the whole line which contains string you want to change,just like:
    if (/$module1/i) {
        $_ = $yourstring;
    print INPUT $_;
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: [Perl-unix-users] File I/O Find/Replace Problems...PERL

Hi All,

I basically wanted some tips from you to search a particular string entirely and replace the same with a new string, in an Email directive file. The help I get from Goggle search is not very relevant to what I am trying to do. I am pasting the code below for the file operation.

open(INPUT, ">>$mail_driver/$emailadd")|| die "can't open File";

# I don't want to overwrite the entire existing file.. So append mode
                                while (<INPUT>) {
                                print "Entered the While loop";
                                if (/$module1/i) {
                                        print INPUT "$module1";
                                        print INPUT " ";
                                        print INPUT "$lab1";
                                        print INPUT " ";
                                        print INPUT "$production1";
                                        print INPUT " ";
                                        print INPUT "$laudit1";
                                        print INPUT " ";
                                        print INPUT "$paudit1\n";
                                 close INPUT;                                  

$module1 holds the value I want to search for, and replace the entire line with the new string. It would typically be like

WES518 lab production laudit ….before replacement,

I want to replace this with say,

WES518 lab laudit (based on the inputs from user…remember The original string will not exist anymore)

Is there a straightforward way of doing it (say.. go to that line in the file and replace this old-string with new one), or should I be reading the entire file into an array, replace the string in an array and write this entire array back to same file..?

Any suggestions or links would be greatly appreciated.


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