As you probably know the more modules use in your script the more time it takes to load..

I've just finished a script (more like a program) which uses lot of perl modules and has more than 2000 code lines.
Each time i run it, it takes more than 15 seconds to load.. :(

I've read a few aricles about all sorts of methos (auto something..) but it was all confusing..
anyone know a simple way to doing this?

my scripts starts like this:

use File::Copy qw(copy);
use Net::Domain qw(hostname hostfqdn hostdomain);
use File::chmod;
use Config::IniFiles;
use File::Remove qw(remove);

i've also tried using a sub :

sub load_module {
    eval "require $_[0]";
    die if $@;
    $_[0]->import(@_[1 .. $#_]);

to try load the specific module at the right time and not in the begining....

Eyal Edri
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