eyal edri wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I saw no one replied to my question yet, i will try to Clarify my
> question due to some research I've done.
> The Following 2 lines are the most significant in the overall
> performance of the script:
>  31.0   7.779  8.585  10715   0.0007 0.0008 
> Text::Balanced::_match_quotelike
>  30.4   7.641 10.213  10967   0.0007 0.0009  Text::Balanced::_match_variable
> From what I've found, "match_quotelike " means that Perl deciphers all
> the quotes (double, single... ) before running the script.
> And there is a LOT of those in my script (it's kind of an interactive
> program with heaps of menus and printouts).
> So My Question is, is there any way around this? , like telling Perl to
> only decipher part of it (on - demand, condition for e.g.) ?

How about telling us why you are using those routines ?
Do you have a snippet of code that shows your usage of them ?
I've never had the need for them, so I don't have any experience.
There are a lot of REs in that code from a cursory look.

> P.S I think the "match_variable" is probably the same, but only for
> Variables.
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