sorry listers, I didn't notice that RR's webmail html app. was adding 
conversation attachments when I hit reply and then changed the email 
around for my needs.

Second, thanks for another great response $Bill.  I'll investigate the 
Getopt module as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: $Bill Luebkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2005 1:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Perl-unix-users] parsing ARGV

> > Before I roll my own ARGV parse code I wanted to know if someone 
> had 
> > some sample code to get me started.  I just want to be able to 
> pass 
> > simple switches that contain one parameter each to my perl app.  
> I have 
> > looked to the list first for I plan to accept the switches in 
> any 
> > order, but only allow each of them to be called once each.  The 
> only 
> > important dependencies that I can think of right now is that 
> switch -
> > cmd has to be passed if any other switch is used and all 
> switches must 
> > have a valid parameter.  I'm not asking anyone to write me 
> anything, 
> > but any related sample code will help tremendously.
> > 
> > ex: perlscript -cmd show -type session -loc all
> > ex: perlscript -type process -cmd show
> First: Don't piggy-back on someone else's post.  Create a new thread
> (just copy the email address).
> You can always use one of the getopt modules out there, but I'm happy
> with my own little invention (untested likeness in this post) :
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> our %A;               # get commandline switches into %A
> for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @ARGV; ) {
>       last if $ARGV[$ii] =~ /^--$/;
>       if ($ARGV[$ii] !~ /^-{1,2}(.*)$/) { $ii++; next; }
>       my $arg = $1; splice @ARGV, $ii, 1;
>       if ($arg =~ /^([\w]+)=(.*)$/) { $A{$1} = $2; } else { $A{$1}
++; }
> }
> # The syntax is slightly different for you (note the ='s) :
> # ex: perlscript -cmd=show -type=session -loc=all
> # ex: perlscript -type=process -cmd=show
> # Then I do a usage like this:
> (my $prog = $)) =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//;
> my $usage << EOD;
> Usage: $prog [-cmd=<cmd>] [-type={x|y|z}] [-loc=<loc>]
>       -cmd=<cmd>      <cmd> is the command to execute {show|tell|etc}
>                       -cmd is a mandatory arg (def: show)
>       -loc=<loc>      <loc> is the full path to the widget factory 
> C:/widget)    -type={x|y|z}   Widget type to use (def: x)
> die $usage if ${h} or $A{help} or not $A{cmd};
> # Then I usually handle them like:
> my $cmd = $A{cmd} || 'show';          # command to execute
> my $loc = $A{loc} || 'C:/widget';     # widget location
> my $type = ${type} || 'x';            # type of widget
> # You could easily handle multiple switches of the same name by
> # either appending them with | bars or using an anonymous array:
>       $A{$1} .= "|$2" if exists $A{$1};       # append the next value 
after |
> # or not as usable for me:
>       push @{$A{$1}}, $2;     # in this case all args would be arrays
>                               # unless you had a type hash to 
>                               # arg type (scalar|array)
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