I am trying to save parameters being passed from Flash, Flash is sending
parameters using GET and there are too many to send all of them so I
must split them into 3 different GET. so I am using perl and
CGI::Session to save the parameters, and then loading back up and saving
all of the parameters to a Hash. I can't seem to get it to properly
work, I am not really familure with sessions, so I have been reading up
on them, yet still not proficient.

I am using flash projector file so POST is not permitted as a security
precaution (adobe)

well I got the parameters being passed to save in the session but I am
having difficulty loading the parameters up again and pushing the loaded
parameters to the new parameters passed in a hash, not sure if I am
totally getting the concept.

I can save the parameter to the session file just fine, but when I try
and load them up it won't load the old parameters. Then I try to add the
new parameters passed to the saved session and it doesn't add the new
values to the old values like I am needing,

Any Ideas?

use CGI;
use CGI::Session;
use strict;

my $q = new CGI;
print $q->header( "text/html" );

my %valueHash;
my %newHash;
my $session;

if ($valueHash{"sessPass"} == 1) {
        $session = new CGI::Session(undef, undef,
{Directory=>'tmp/sessions'}) or die CGI::Session->errstr;
        printf("SessionID: %s <br>", $session->id );
        $session = new CGI::Session($valueHash{"session"}) or die

        #$session->param('valueHash', \%valueHash);

        while (my($k, $v) = each($session->param("valueHash"))) {
                $newHash{$k} = $v;
                printf("<br>key: %s value: %s", $k, $v);
foreach my $name (keys(%newHash)) {
                foreach my $value ($newHash{$name}) {
                        $valueHash{$name} = $value;

        printf ("<br> %s ", $_);

$session->param('valueHash', \%valueHash);
#printf("<br>hash: %s", %{$session->param("valueHash")});

sub GrabParams{
        my ( $paramName, $paramValue);
        foreach $paramName ($q->param) {
                foreach $paramValue ($q->param( $paramName )) {
                         $valueHash{ $paramName } =  pack 'U0A*',
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