
A number of subprocessed are forked and these subprocess logs their output
in temporary files. as a processes completes its execution its output from
its temporary file on the consol. So, processes display its output in real
time. it cuases the number of periods with no visible activity while

This is working fine. the perl code given below does not include the code
for forking process and autofleshing and other stuff. This just gives the
idea of how output of different process is handled in temprary files.

my question is:
can i display the output of one process in real time instead of loging it in
temporary file and the output of the remaining process is loged in a
temporary file simultaneosuly.

sub Pooled_Compile {
  my($id,$parentfh) = @_;
  print $parentfh "start\n";
  while (1) {
    chomp(my $pclass_obj = <$parentfh>);
    my $name = $pclass_obj;
    my $file = "$build_logs_dir/$name.log";
    open(STDOUT, "> $file")  or die "Can't redirect stdout: to $file ";
    open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
    my $result = Compile_pclassObj($pclass_obj);
    close(STDOUT) or die "Can't close STDOUT: $!";
    close(STDERR) or die "Can't close STDERR: $!";
    print $parentfh "$id $pclass_obj $result\n";

2008/5/20 Brian Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sulman Mahmood
> Sent: 20 May 2008 11:59
> To: perl-unix-users@listserv.ActiveState.com
> Subject: [Perl-unix-users] output to console and to multiple files from
> multiple processes
> > Hi,
> >
> > currently, I have a solution in which output of all the forked process
> is being stored in temparary files and
> > when a process completes execution the output of that particular
> process is displayed from a temporary file.
> >
> > I'm looking for a way to dipslay output from one of the forked process
> in real time and other forked processes > output in different temporay
> files.
> How about running 'tail -f' on one of your temporary files?
> Sorry, but your problem description is a bit vague. A more detailed
> description, or better still, a small self contained script that
> demonstrates your problem would help.
> --
> Brian Raven
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