nonlin wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I am having problem with LWP.
> I wrote a script that talks from server to another script on another 
> sever, thought HTTPS and to the IP address not a domain.
> If I use the POST method. my_fist_script $req  = HTTP::Request->new(POST 
> => $destanation_url.""); It talks to the other 
> server, but the server give a 303 error that the page has been moved, 
> and the moved location is the domain, so my_second_script has not been run.
> if I use the GET method it can run the my_second_script and not be 
> redirected domain. But this works on my home computer (runs win98) where 
> I do my development on, When I upload it to the server (Lenox Fedora 3) 
> it get stuck at $res = $accountagent->request( $req );
> I have not been able to find any errors in the error logs for this, and 
> I run ethereal to try to determined how far it got.
>     Apparently they seem to be using SSLv2,  then do a client key 
> exchange, they do the application date, then there is a Encrypted Alert, 
> 3 packet latter and that's the end of the conversation. The first server 
> has the last word.
> hear is the code of my_fist_script:
> use LWP 5.69;
> use HTTP::Request;
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> use base 'HTTP::Message';
> $destanation_url= ''; # < this just a sample, the ip 
> goes over the internet
> bild_content_string_v1();
> my $accountagent=LWP::UserAgent->new( protocols_allowed => ["https"] );
> $accountagent->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
> my $req  = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 
> $destanation_url."");
>  $req ->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
>  $req ->content($content_string);
> $res = $accountagent->request( $req );
> $response  = $res->content;
> print "response = $response<br>";
> Any one have an idea?

Not a chance.  To many unknowns.  Your code isn't working code.
In order to be of help, you need to supply a set of test scripts
that we can hopefully access to test with.  You should pare it down
to the bare essentials and make sure it fails and then post your
scripts in their entirety and presumably have a test site set up
that we could test/verify it with since testing it somewhere else
won't help much.
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