Dear Sirs,

I am having problem with LWP.

I wrote a script that talks from server to another script on another sever, 
thought HTTPS and to the IP address not a domain.

If I use the POST method. my_fist_script $req  = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 
$destanation_url.""); It talks to the other server, but the 
server give a 303 error that the page has been moved, and the moved location is 
the domain, so my_second_script has not been run.

if I use the GET method it can run the my_second_script and not be redirected 
domain. But this works on my home computer (runs win98) where I do my 
development on, When I upload it to the server (Lenox Fedora 3) it get stuck at 
$res = $accountagent->request( $req );

I have not been able to find any errors in the error logs for this, and I run 
ethereal to try to determined how far it got. 
    Apparently they seem to be using SSLv2,  then do a client key exchange, 
they do the application date, then there is a Encrypted Alert, 3 packet latter 
and that's the end of the conversation. The first server has the last word.

hear is the code of my_fist_script:

use LWP 5.69;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use base 'HTTP::Message';

$destanation_url= ''; # < this just a sample, the ip goes 
over the internet


my $accountagent=LWP::UserAgent->new( protocols_allowed => ["https"] );
$accountagent->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
my $req  = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $destanation_url."");

 $req ->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
 $req ->content($content_string);

$res = $accountagent->request( $req );

$response  = $res->content;

print "response = $response<br>";

Any one have an idea?


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