I am querying a database and putting the output into a listview

What I would like to next is to click on an item in the list and then
drilldown into the data base

The question is how can I return the value from a List

I am fairly new at using Win32::GUI and apologise if this is a stupid

Should I be using a different type than listview and if so what should I be

use strict;
use Socket;
use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::ODBC;

#set variables
my (%Data, %new, $result, $Window, $width);
my $Dir                 = "//neptune/tech_dept/databases";
my $DBase               = "asset.mdb";
my $DriverType  = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)";
my $Desc                = "Description=The Win32::ODBC Test DSN for Perl";
my $DSN                 = "tmpdsn";

$Window = new GUI::Window(
    -name   => "Window",
    -text   => "Win32::GUI::ListView test",
    -width  => 350,
    -height => 500,
    -left   => 100,
    -top    => 100,

    -name      => "ListView",
    -left      => 10,
    -top       => 10,
    -width     => 330,
    -height    => 383,
    -style     => WS_VISIBLE | 1,
    -gridlines => 1,

$width = $Window->ListView->ScaleWidth;

    -index => 0,
    -width => $width/2,
    -text  => "Asset No",

    -index   => 1,
    -width   => $width/2,
    -text    => "IP Address",

        -name    => "Radio1",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 410,
        -text    => "192 Network  ",
        -tabstop => 1,

        -name    => "Radio2",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 430,
        -text    => "212 XTML  ",
        -tabstop => 1,

        -name    => "Radio3",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 450,
        -text    => "212 EasyNet  ",
        -tabstop => 1,



sub MAIN {
        #set up dsn
        Win32::ODBC::ConfigDSN(ODBC_ADD_DSN, $DriverType, ("DSN=$DSN",
"Description=The Win32 ODBC Test DSN for Perl", "DBQ=$Dir\\$DBase",
"DEFAULTDIR=$Dir", "UID=", "PWD="));

        #open connection as $0
        my $cO = new Win32::ODBC($DSN);

        #run sql
        $cO->Sql("SELECT assetid, ipaddress FROM ip_address where ipaddress
like '${result}%'");

        #reset new
        %new = ();

        # Fetch the next rowset
                %Data = $cO->DataHash();
                #convert to binary
                $new{inet_aton($Data{ipaddress})} =

        #close database

        #remove tempdsn
        Win32::ODBC::ConfigDSN(ODBC_REMOVE_DSN, $DriverType, "DSN=$DSN");

        #clear items

        foreach (sort keys %new) {
                        my ($asset, $ip ) = split(",",$new{$_});

                $Window->ListView->InsertItem(-text => [ "$asset", "$ip" ]

sub MAIN1 {
        #clear items

        foreach (sort numeric values %new) {
                        my ($asset, $ip ) = split(",",$_);
                $Window->ListView->InsertItem(-text => [ "$asset", "$ip" ]

sub numeric { $a <=> $b };

sub Radio1_Click {
        if($Window->Radio1->Checked()) {
                $result = "192";
        } elsif($Window->Radio2->Checked()) {
                $result = "212.88";
        } elsif($Window->Radio3->Checked()) {
                $result = "212.74";
sub Radio2_Click { Radio1_Click(); }
sub Radio3_Click { Radio1_Click(); }

sub ListView_ColumnClick {
        my $column = shift;
        if ($result ne "" ) {
                if ( $column == 1 ) {&MAIN;}
                if ( $column == 0 ) {&MAIN1;}


Mike Solomon
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