
Thanks for this

Unfortunately this gets all the items from the list

What I want to do is to click on an item in the list and just capture that

For example

If I have a list showing


if I click on the 3, I want to capture 3

I hope this makes sense


Mike Solomon
Technical Manager
Work     01582 831125
Mobile 07941 537 172

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 -----Original Message-----
From:   Thomas, Timothy B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   15 February 2001 16:48
To:     'perl-win32-gui-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject:        RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] get value from list

Someone else has written a win32::Gui program to do just what you are trying
to do. I don't seem to have the code anymore. Maybe they can post it again,
or you can search the archives.

Here's a piece of code I just wrote that gets all the data, including the
image, from a listview, it puts it into a hash.
I used this with the column sort routine that has been floating around, by
Jonathan Southwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am still working out the
bugs, but this section of code should help you.

        # you must already have $totalcols (the # of columns in your
        #       I don't think there is a way to pull this from the object.
        for $i(0..$rows-1)
                my %result=$ListView->GetItem($i,0);
                for $j(0..$totalcols-1)
                        my %result=$ListView->GetItem($i,$j);

Tim Thomas
Unix Systems Administrator
Lockheed Martin EIS ยท Denver Data Center
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Solomon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 5:19 AM
To: Perl Gui (E-mail)
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] get value from list

I am querying a database and putting the output into a listview
What I would like to next is to click on an item in the list and then
drilldown into the data base
The question is how can I return the value from a List
I am fairly new at using Win32::GUI and apologise if this is a stupid
Should I be using a different type than listview and if so what should I be

use strict;
use Socket;
use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::ODBC;
#set variables
my (%Data, %new, $result, $Window, $width);
my $Dir                 = "//neptune/tech_dept/databases";
my $DBase               = "asset.mdb";
my $DriverType  = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)";
my $Desc                = "Description=The Win32::ODBC Test DSN for Perl";
my $DSN                 = "tmpdsn";
$Window = new GUI::Window(
    -name   => "Window",
    -text   => "Win32::GUI::ListView test",
    -width  => 350,
    -height => 500,
    -left   => 100,
    -top    => 100,

    -name      => "ListView",
    -left      => 10,
    -top       => 10,
    -width     => 330,
    -height    => 383,
    -style     => WS_VISIBLE | 1,
    -gridlines => 1,
$width = $Window->ListView->ScaleWidth;
    -index => 0,
    -width => $width/2,
    -text  => "Asset No",
    -index   => 1,
    -width   => $width/2,
    -text    => "IP Address",
        -name    => "Radio1",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 410,
        -text    => "192 Network  ",
        -tabstop => 1,
        -name    => "Radio2",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 430,
        -text    => "212 XTML  ",
        -tabstop => 1,

        -name    => "Radio3",
        -left    => 8,
        -top     => 450,
        -text    => "212 EasyNet  ",
        -tabstop => 1,

sub MAIN {
        #set up dsn
        Win32::ODBC::ConfigDSN(ODBC_ADD_DSN, $DriverType, ("DSN=$DSN",
"Description=The Win32 ODBC Test DSN for Perl", "DBQ=$Dir\\$DBase",
"DEFAULTDIR=$Dir", "UID=", "PWD="));
        #open connection as $0
        my $cO = new Win32::ODBC($DSN);
        #run sql
        $cO->Sql("SELECT assetid, ipaddress FROM ip_address where ipaddress
like '${result}%'");
        #reset new
        %new = ();
        # Fetch the next rowset
                %Data = $cO->DataHash();
                #convert to binary
                $new{inet_aton($Data{ipaddress})} =
        #close database
        #remove tempdsn
        Win32::ODBC::ConfigDSN(ODBC_REMOVE_DSN, $DriverType, "DSN=$DSN");
        #clear items
        foreach (sort keys %new) {
                        my ($asset, $ip ) = split(",",$new{$_});
                $Window->ListView->InsertItem(-text => [ "$asset", "$ip" ]

sub MAIN1 {
        #clear items
        foreach (sort numeric values %new) {
                        my ($asset, $ip ) = split(",",$_);
                $Window->ListView->InsertItem(-text => [ "$asset", "$ip" ]
sub numeric { $a <=> $b };
sub Radio1_Click {
        if($Window->Radio1->Checked()) {
                $result = "192";
        } elsif($Window->Radio2->Checked()) {
                $result = "212.88";
        } elsif($Window->Radio3->Checked()) {
                $result = "212.74";
sub Radio2_Click { Radio1_Click(); }
sub Radio3_Click { Radio1_Click(); }
sub ListView_ColumnClick {
        my $column = shift;
        if ($result ne "" ) {
                if ( $column == 1 ) {&MAIN;}
                if ( $column == 0 ) {&MAIN1;}

Mike Solomon
Technical Manager
Work     01582 831125
Mobile 07941 537 172
Important: Any views or opinions expressed by the sender do not necessarily
represent those of the 3s Group. This e-mail and any attachment(s)
are intended for the above named only and may be confidential.  If you are
the named recipient please notify us immediately.  You must not copy or
the contents to any third party.
Internet e-mail is not a fully secure communications medium.  Please take
this into account when sending e-mail to us.
Any attachment(s) to this e-mail are believed to be free from virus, but it
is the responsibility of the recipient to make all the necessary virus

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