At Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:00:34 -0800, "Piske, Harald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>- are you using the multithread perl? (5.6)

Yup ...

C:\>perl -v

This is perl, v5.6.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

Its build 620.

>- how do you launch the installer? Backtick or some windows function?

I've tried both using the backtick and the 'system' call, neither work. 
 I have also tried using Win32::Process, again, with no luck.

>- how do you watch for the first installer to finish so as not to launch 
>of them at the same time? (maybe it's this watcher that does not yield 
>to other tasks)?

At first, I was going to wait for the child process to finish, but with 
Installshield apps this does not work (it forks off its own process), so 
I started using a timeout (sleep) after the initial install call was made. 
 This should allow the perl script to pause for a minute or two, while its 
child (who is no longer really attached) to go off and finish its duty.

Just so you know, I have placed 'print' statements around the calls so I 
know when it is getting stuck.

>- do you really have to end your script or would it suffice to give the
>installer the focus?

I'm not sure what you mean by giving the install the focus ... sorry.

>- how do you start your perl script in the first place ... out of a command
>window, out of an explorer, or with this wrapper thing that prevents 
>the text window from showing?

I have tried running the script from the command line, double clicking on 
the script from explorer, and compiling the script into an exe (Perlapp). 
 No luck with any of them.

>A final word: please hold on! Don't fall back to VB! 't'wood bee sooo
>embarrassing ...

Tell me about it.  The little VB programming I have done in the past has 
left a bad taste in my mouth.

Thanks for everything.

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