At Tue, 20 Mar 2001 11:56:34 -0800, "Piske, Harald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>One more thing ... I just remembered an issue with the Win32::GUI Version
>you get from Activestate being outdated (ref. sequence
>"[perl-win32-gui-users] Bug in Textfield scrolling")

I made sure when I first started that this wouldn't be a problem, and got 
the correct version from  Although, I first started using 
Win32::GUI I was using 0.0.502.  After upgrading to 0.0.558 I had problems 
in one of my apps with AddGroupbox, in that it was reading the wrong area's 
in memory.  Rather then spend my time trying to figure out what  was wrong 
(my code appeared to be fine), I just downgraded back to 0.0.502, and 
went back to working fine.

I haven't had time to try your solution, but I'll try to get to it later 
on today.  As far as the problem I am having, here is a snippet of code 
that has the same problem.  The application that it is trying to launch 
a silent install on is Adobe Acrobat 4.05.  This is under WinNT SP6, using 
ActivePerl 5.6.0 build 620.  The Win32::GUI module is 0.0.502.

Thanks a TON for all the help.


-----[ Start Code ]------

use Win32::GUI;

$mainwindow = Win32::GUI::Window->new (
        -name   => "Main",
        -left   => 100,
        -top    => 100,
        -width  => 100,
        -height => 100,
        -title  => "Hi",

$mainwindow -> {-dialogui} = 1;

$mainwindow -> AddButton (
        -name   => "Install",
        -left   => 25,
        -top    => 25,
        -width  => 50,
        -cancel => 1,
        -text   => "Install",
        -default        => 1,
        -tabstop        => 1,

$mainwindow -> Show;


sub Main_Terminate  {
        return -1;

sub Install_Click  {
        system("h:/ntimage/apps/acrobat/setup -s");
        print "On to the next app ...\n";

-----[ End Code ]------
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