
The Win32::GUI 0.558 PPD was created by me (I'm the Packager you know ;-) ). I
also managed to get ActiveState to update their PPM server with it so you can
get the current version from there. (It does seem to work from inside a
firewall, you just need to set the environment variables right.)

There's some good information about creating PPMs on Jenda's site at
http://jenda.krynicky.cz/perl/PPM.html (Thanks again Aldo!)

 They are fairly easy to do, basically you need a couple of things :

1) Source of module
2) Compiler to build the module

Build the source like this :

perl Makefile.pl
nmake ppd

Move the blib directory structure produced by this to a directory like
MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\  and then tar up the whole thing and call it something
sensible like Module-SubModule-versionnumber-PPM.tar. (Win32-GUI-0.0.558-PM.tar
for example) Now gzip the tar file. (Try http://www.gzip.org/ for gzip for

Now you must create a .ppd file which describes it. Jenda's site has detailed
information but check the .ppd file which is bundled with my 0.558 PPM it's
pretty simple.  Major thing to remember is the use of unix style slashes for
directory paths, ie somepath/somotherpath NOT somepath\someotherpath. Caught me
out for a while !

Once you have the gzipped tar file and the ppd file, create a zip file called
Module-SubModule-versionnumber-PPM.zip containing the ppd and the gzipped file.

OK, it should now work. It took me some time playing about to get it going at
first but once you've done one it gets easier.

BTW - The reason that there are no docs in the PPM file for 0.558 is because at
the time the docs were very incomplete. I could create a PPM with the docs
included, but isn't someone on this list maintaining them on a web site
somewhere ?

Anyway, if you're *REALLY* stuck for a CPAN or other module making into a PPM
drop me a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll offer any help I can. (I'd
rather help you do it than do it for you of course ! ;-)    )



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