At 10:37 2002-10-17 -0400, Michael Alaly wrote:
off-list I would apprecaite it. I am new to Win32::GUI and forking and am
trying to do something very similar to what it looked like you were trying
to do. I am attempting to take a list of links from a ListView and send them
each to a child for download. I am running into lots of problems with fork
and page faults that I can't seem to solve.

fork under Win32 is emulated using IThreads (the only use of IThreads in 5.6.1). They seem to work fine using pure Perl, but XS code is more difficult (Win32::GUI is XS, and it also allocates Windows resources). Any solution with fork + Perl 5.6.1 should be considered unstable unless tested a _lot_. And I still woulnd't trust it :)

IThreads in Perl 5.8 is supposed to be a lot better. So when ActiveState releases a 5.8 distro, maybe we can make use for it.

I think one of the new things is that variables aren't shared between threads unless you say so. And that, I hope, may solve the entire problem with non-reentrant XS code and such.

That would be _real_ nice!


-------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -    -     -      -         -
Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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