> >Still having this issue. It looks bad, certainly, but it's still usable.
> >Not suitable for any kind of professional software, though :/
> The only time I had similar behaviour was when I was using a tabstrip on the
> same window as the treeview - does this apply to you?

Yes, this is the case.  Unfortunately, I kinda need to do it.  Any idea
how I can get around this behavior?  I've tried just about everything I
can think of, but it still seems to blank no matter what I do :/  It's
like it expands, then immediately blanks.  I can see it expand for a split

I have a treeview with a tab strip next to it, if the tab strip is created first, I get all kinds of odd things happening. Create the tab strip last (in Loft, just move the tab to the last item) and it for me, all the problems went (even though the tab order will now be wrong).



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