Hi once again everyone
I just started working with Win32::GUI yesterday and was wondering if anyone 
could tell me how I can do the following:
1/ Make a basic GUI with certain buttons--> I have successfully managed to make 
2/ Every button click should invoke another perl script --> I think I can do 
this by including the system command in the button click method. If anyone 
knows any other sophisticated method then pelase tell me
3/ I need to display the output while execution of each of the scripts, that 
runs on a button click, on some sort of box/window. This box or window can 
appear on the original window or pop up a new one which would close once 
execution finishes. that is :
I have a basic window with buttons. on click of button I should see a text box 
or a pop up window which shows me the result of the script execution. If its a 
pop up window it should close when script finishes execution and if its a text 
box then it can just stay as it is once the execution finishes. I
I have NO idea how to do this so any sort of help would be great. I tried 
reading some tutorials on Win32::GUI but Im still lost. Any advice/script 
snippets to start me off would be much appreciated.
Thanx in advance

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