There are many examples / small snippets of code that could serve as
examples to others, we just need a place to easily store and collectively
showcase them. Something like a forum (I run one using phpBB). Is there any way of doing this on Sourceforge or some other place where people can paste
in 'how to' snippets, or do we start one.

I too think we need a place for these snippets - a Win32::GUI cookbook of sorts. It's a question of who is prepared to maintain/organise it? Any offers?

It is always delightful when someone offers some of the hard-won fruits of their labors to share with others. Thanks for thinking of it.

This is probably a nice snippet of code... but it isn't complete enough to run, so I can't tell for sure. Probably adding a few lines at the top to use strict; use warnings; use Win32::GUI; and to initialize the

I've created an example, and have added to CVS - the code is also below. The only thing you need to do is to have a bitmap of some description - I was going to add a bitmap to CVS so the script would run, but I don't think the world is ready for my art skills:)



use Win32::GUI;
use strict;

my ($width,$height);
my $mainwin;

#try to load the splash bitmap from the exe that is running
my $splashimage= new Win32::GUI::Bitmap('SPLASH');
unless ($splashimage) {
 #bitmap is not in exe, load from file
 $splashimage= new Win32::GUI::Bitmap('SPLASH.bmp');
 die 'could not find splash bitmap' unless $splashimage;
 #get the dimensions of the bitmap
 ($width,$height)       = $splashimage->Info();

#create the splash window
my $splash     = new Win32::GUI::Window (
  -name       => "Splash",
  -text       => "Splash",
  -height     => $height,
  -width      => $width,
  -left       => 100,
  -top        => 100,
  -addstyle   => WS_POPUP,
  -popstyle   => WS_CAPTION | WS_THICKFRAME,
  -addexstyle => WS_EX_TOPMOST

#create a label in which the bitmap will be placed
my $bitmap    = $splash->AddLabel(
   -name     => "Bitmap",
   -left     => 0,
   -top      => 0,
   -width    => $width,
   -height   => $height,
   -bitmap   => $splashimage,
$bitmap->SetImage( $splashimage );

#center the splash and show it
#call do events - not Dialog - this will display the window and let us
#build the rest of the application.

#A good way of building your application is to keep everything in packages, and eval those #into scope in this phase. In this case, we'll create the main window and sleep to simulate
#some work.
my $string = q `
              $mainwin     = new Win32::GUI::Window (
              -name       => "Main",
              -text       => "Main window",
              -height     => 400,
              -width      => 400,
#eval the code and report any errors
eval $string;
if ($@) {
 my $message = $@;
Win32::GUI::MessageBox($splash, $message ,"Build Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
#hide the splash and enter the Dialog phase

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