
I must admit I would buy a win32::gui cookbook:)

I think the market for a real book is a little limited though - in my view the biggest problem with win32::gui is it's exposure. I still come across developers who are using TK or web based front ends for win32 apps simply because they didn't know win32::gui existed. If for example, win32::gui was included in all activestate win32 distributions, then you would be a ready made market!

Good luck,



----- Original Message ----- From: "Alex Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Win32-GUI List" <perl-win32-gui-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: FW: [perl-win32-gui-users] Website - Code snippets gallery

Hi all: I think win32::gui cookbook is a great idea. Has anyone even
think about trying to officially publish it. I don't mind putting out
the money for self-publish I-universe type book and split the profit!
I can actually submit a few examples mysef.
Please let me know if anyone is interested.

al ;)

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:17:17 -0800, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On approximately 11/15/2004 7:29 AM, came the following characters from

the keyboard of Chris Wearn:

> I agree that the official documentation describing each control, it's
> methods and properties are each described in greater detail (especially > the > TDB ones), also a list of depreciated methods and their replacements. I > also > note that with each build or commit to CVS, Laurent has documented more > and > more of these... I know from personal experience that documentation is > the
> least exciting part of any project.
> I feel, the people best placed to document the project, are those
> contributing the functionality to the source, however slow it creeps > in.
> What we are tossing around here, is the idea of creating a collection > of
> both small snippets of individual control syntax, and larger working
> examples for all to benefit from, and is somewhat outside of the > official
> documentation.

And this is a good idea, to augment the official documentation.

I'll continue to lobby for all sample code to be embedded in working
scripts, so that people can play/modify from there.  In an associated
text document, quoting particular snippets of code is OK, but there
should always be a reference to the complete script in which the
technique is used.  (It might not hurt to point back to the document,
from the code, also, to keep things maintainable and in sync.)

I've just found in the past that snippets are often described without
describing their underlying assumed requirements, which can be beastly
difficult for new users to comprehend... and then they give up...
whereas if everything is in working samples, there are no unstated
assumptions... the assumptions may not all make it into the text, but
they made it into the code!

> The list is full of questions from new users requesting an example of > 'how
> do I add' or 'how do I make'.
> The question I originally started, was whether their was an existing
> facility or repository to easily add or post examples to, so that at > least > they could be under 'Control' headings and not scattered throughout 3 > years
> of user list.
> I spend an equal amount of time using PHP and have found great benefit > from
> the PHP documentation that also contains user contributed
> notes/snippets/examples after each command reference. I had originally
> thought something similar would be of great benefit to both new and > seasoned
> users of Win32::GUI
> Chris Wearn
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Frazier, Joe Jr
> Sent: Monday, 15 November 2004 08:56
> To: Chris Wearn
> Cc: Win32-GUI List
> Subject: RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Website - Code snippets gallery
> Chris, this is a good idea, but I personally would much prefer if
> someone to spend their time fleshing out the official documentation.
> Putting examples there would be the most appropriate place and there > are
> still a lot of methods in there with "TDB".  The main reason I bring
> this is up is that I have recently had to start really playing with > Java > for my work and the official Javadoc stuff is horribly lite on > examples,
> (unlink most perl modules out there, which are usually fairly good).
> Joe Frazier, Jr.
> <editorial>
> A good example is the Date class.  Many of the methods and constructors
> in this class are depreciated, and it points you to the Calendar Class
> or the DateFormat class.  One would logically think that these two
> classes would be subclasses so that you can pass these to a method that
> takes a date, but no.... You have to convert to a date object
> explicitly.   Stupid Java....
> </editorial>
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>Behalf Of Chris Wearn
>>Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 7:28 AM
>>To: Jez White
>>Cc: Win32-GUI List
>>Subject: RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Website - Code snippets gallery
>>Hiya Jez,
>>I agree that a Win32::GUI cookbook would be a great idea,
>>available as a document that you can print out and read,
>>while being able to download an electronic copy, to enable
>>the 'cutting & pasting' of examples.
>>To ease editing, add styles and colour coding, a MS Word
>>document would probably be the most common format. It can
>>then be read in Star Office, and a PDF version could also be output.
>>I'm happy to do some assembly... and make a
>>'work-in-progress' version available via a link on my domain.
>>Once we have got to various stages we can commit it to CVS on
>>Unless someone else with a degree in publishing, a Mac with
>>Quark and nothing else to do, wishes to volunteer...
>>Otherwise, start emailing me content/examples...
>>Chris Wearn
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jez White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Monday, 15 November 2004 06:59
>>To: Glenn Linderman; Chris Wearn
>>Cc: Win32-GUI List
>>Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Website - Code snippets gallery
>>>>There are many examples / small snippets of code that
>>could serve as
>>>>examples to others, we just need a place to easily store and
>>>>collectively showcase them. Something like a forum (I run
>>one using
>>>>phpBB). Is there any way of doing this on Sourceforge or
>>some other
>>>>place where people can paste in 'how to' snippets, or do we start
>>I too think we need a place for these snippets - a Win32::GUI
>>cookbook of sorts. It's a question of who is prepared to
>>maintain/organise it? Any offers?
>>>It is always delightful when someone offers some of the hard-won
>>>fruits of their labors to share with others.  Thanks for
>>thinking of it.
>>>This is probably a nice snippet of code... but it isn't complete
>>>enough to run, so I can't tell for sure.  Probably adding a
>>few lines
>>>at the top to use strict; use warnings; use Win32::GUI; and to
>>>initialize the
>>I've created an example, and have added to CVS - the code is
>>also below. The only thing you need to do is to have a bitmap
>>of some description - I was going to add a bitmap to CVS so
>>the script would run, but I don't think the world is ready
>>for my art skills:)
>>use Win32::GUI;
>>use strict;
>>my ($width,$height);
>>my $mainwin;
>>#try to load the splash bitmap from the exe that is running
>>my $splashimage= new Win32::GUI::Bitmap('SPLASH'); unless
>>($splashimage) {
>>  #bitmap is not in exe, load from file
>>  $splashimage= new Win32::GUI::Bitmap('SPLASH.bmp');
>>  die 'could not find splash bitmap' unless $splashimage;
>>  #get the dimensions of the bitmap
>>  ($width,$height)       = $splashimage->Info();
>>  }
>>#create the splash window
>>my $splash     = new Win32::GUI::Window (
>>   -name       => "Splash",
>>   -text       => "Splash",
>>   -height     => $height,
>>   -width      => $width,
>>   -left       => 100,
>>   -top        => 100,
>>   -addstyle   => WS_POPUP,
>>   -popstyle   => WS_CAPTION | WS_THICKFRAME,
>>   -addexstyle => WS_EX_TOPMOST
>>#create a label in which the bitmap will be placed
>>my $bitmap    = $splash->AddLabel(
>>    -name     => "Bitmap",
>>    -left     => 0,
>>    -top      => 0,
>>    -width    => $width,
>>    -height   => $height,
>>    -bitmap   => $splashimage,
>>$bitmap->SetImage( $splashimage );
>>#center the splash and show it
>>#call do events - not Dialog - this will display the window
>>and let us #build the rest of the application.
>>#A good way of building your application is to keep
>>everything in packages, and eval those #into scope in this
>>phase. In this case, we'll create the main window and sleep
>>to simulate #some work.
>>my $string = q `
>>               $mainwin     = new Win32::GUI::Window (
>>               -name       => "Main",
>>               -text       => "Main window",
>>               -height     => 400,
>>               -width      => 400,
>>                );
>>                sleep(2);
>>                $mainwin->Center();
>>                $mainwin->Show();
>>               `;
>>#eval the code and report any errors
>>eval $string;
>>if ($@) {
>>  my $message = $@;
>>  Win32::GUI::MessageBox($splash, $message ,"Build Error",
>>  }
>>#hide the splash and enter the Dialog phase $splash->Hide;
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Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/
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