Quoting Ariel Serbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I decided that it was time to whip up some
> wrapper
> modules that do all of this for me.  It seems to
> me
> like it would be a pretty handy thing to have
> around,
> so here are a few questions for the group:
> Have any of you done this sort of thing
> before?
> If so, can I have a look?
> Does this make any sense?
> Any helpful suggestions?
Yes it does make sense and it is a good idea.

I must admit I'm a bit of a combo box and list view 
junky and I've often thought that a few extra methods 
for these objects would make programming much simpler 
(and more perl like, rather than "coping" with the 
windows API). Up until a few days ago I didn't know 
you could use the Text method to get the selected text 
in a combo box – previously I was using GetString with 

I think the first step would be to give more 
information on the kind of thing you want to create. 
I'm sure several people on the list can contribute 
some ideas. If you end up with a set of methods, then 
they could be added directly Win32::GUI, or 
alternatively it could be a ‘helper’ package that 
would be installed separately.

Hope that helps,



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