Quoting Robert May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Rob,

Nice work - thanks for contributing.

> I have been thinking about this wrapper idea for
> some time, as there are 
> a number of useful 'widgets' that I would keep
> reusing, and think they 
> could be packaged up for others to use. 
> Initially I was thinking of GUI 
> framework items:  examples are splash screens,
> about boxes and the like, 
> that virtually every UI wants in order to look
> professional, but is the 
> almost the same over and over again.  If nothing
> else these could serve 
> as great examples of what can be done.

I think we’d all agree on this:) It comes down to who 
is going to do the work and get the ball rolling. 
Ideally the sourceforge site would be best place to 
have a repository of these kind of objects, and if 
someone has the time to spare then I'm sure Aldo would 
give the required permissions to play with the website.

> Whilst I don't have anything to contribute in
> this vein right now, I 
> though this might be a good moment to introduce
> HyperLink.pm - a 
> sub-classing of Win32::GUI::Label that acts as a
> clickable hyperlink:

This is a great start - a nice object. Although I had 
a problem with the constants (I'm on5.6) and got the 
following error:

D:\Development>perl HyperLinkDemo.pl
Constant name 'HASH(0x1a4306c)' has invalid characters 
at HyperLink.pm line 88
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at HyperLink.pm line 
Compilation failed in require at HyperLinkDemo.pl line 
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at HyperLinkDemo.pl 
line 15.

Once fixed, it worked great.

As a suggestion, it would be a good idea to get rid of 
the dependency on Win32::API - SetCapture and 
ReleaseCapture are already in Win32::GUI. If you are 
keen on this idea, I'll add GetCapture, LoadCursor 
into GUI.xs. The issue would then be ShellExecute - 
perhaps that should be added too?



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