
I have for some time no been tinkering with getting Internet Explorer like menu bars working (aka CoolMenu or CoolBar).

If you have the facility to download the latest CVS code, and build your own Win32::GUI, then you may be interested in my module, available from is an experimental module to do Internet Explorer like menu bars and toolbars. Currently only the menubar functionality is (mostly) implemented. To use this module you need to download and build a Win32::GUI installation from the sourceforge CVS, as there are required changes in the codebase. Currently you need to read the comments and look at the example to see how to use it - there will be proper documentation in the fullness of time.

[If you want to play, and can't build your own, then might be able to build a PPM from the current CVS, but I'm using MinGW, and the libraries I'm building are huge compared to the VC++ built ones.]

Looking forward to your feedback.


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