I'm wanting to take an icon out of a SQLite database and paste it on a
label in a Win32 GUI I've built using The GUI Loft.

Sample code:
# suck icon from SQLite database: 
my @array;
my $dbh = DBI-> connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$datafile","","",{});    #
database handle
my $sql = "SELECT icon FROM icons WHERE name = 'logo'";
my $sth = $dbh-> prepare($sql);                                     #
statement handle
if (defined($sth)) {
    $sth -> execute();
    while (my @result = $sth-> fetchrow_array()) {
        push (@array, $result[0]);
undef $sth;

# check I've got an icon
my $size = @array;
print "$size\n";   # prints 1 so ONE icon has been captured
                # printed $array[0] to a richedit window and got:
BM~r%0%0%0%0%0%06%0%0%0(%0%0%0\%0%0%0j%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0Hr%0%0%0% ...
                # which makes me think all is ok so far 

# create an "inline" bitmap file
my $logo = new Win32::GUI::BitmapInline($array[0]); # not sure if I need
to do this or not

# place bitmap on a label in a WinGui I've created with "The GUI Loft"
1) this doesn't work: $win-> lblLogo-> SetImage($logo); - generates
2) this doesn't work: $win-> lblLogo(-bitmap => $logo); - no error

Could some kind soul help me understand where I'm going wrong please?

Brian Rowlands
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite
Martin Luther King Jr. </quotes/k/martinlutherking/>  

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