
>From memory there is a limit (its a windows thing rather than Win32::GUI). Now 
>that you're using 1.5 have a look at use the scintilla control instead - it 
>has no limit. There are several examples - have a look at Editor.pl - should 
>be what you are looking for. You can turn off the syntax highlighting so it 
>will be fine for log file etc.



Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 10:07:46 -0500
To: perl-win32-gui-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] Win32::GUI:Window clipboard/buffer limit?


Apologies if I've
missed something obvious with this...

 To start, this
is what I'm running:
- WinXP SP2
- Perl 5.8.8 Build 820
- Win32::GUI
- Windows Notepad clone:

I've taken the notepad clone from the link and have
augmented it for use in parsing large logs (copy&paste logs into the window,
then running customized scripts from the menu), unfortunately when I paste the
log info into the window (generated by Win32::GUI::Window), it's getting
truncated after about 220 lines (29781 bytes) and I can no longer type anything
else into the window.

I was using Win32::GUI 1.0.3 and upgraded to 1.0.5
but still have the problem.

Any help much appreciated!

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