jez_white wrote:
> Win32::GUI supports two event modles OEM (old event model) and NEM
> (new event model). OEM is like visual basic, with the control name
> and the event name.  So if a button was called "hello" and the button
> was clicked, the sub hello_Click would be called. OEM is only sutible
> for simple scripts

But, apparently, does not provide VB-like sender and eventargs arguments
to the event handler (?).

> With NEM you pass the reference of the sub that you want to run in
> response to an event (this makes NEM faster).
> To some exent a NEM event is like a method being called on that
> control and as such, the first parm being passed is the control.
> It should be documented in the NEM section.
> Does that help? Again no win32::GUI on this box.....

Okay, thanks for the pointer.  I was not aware of OEM and NEM:

Thank you,


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