2008/5/14 peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> how can we enable the mouse right click on the Win32::GUI::RichEdit control,
> it is not enabled by default.

Yes it is {1].   (There is probably a better way of doing what you want [2].)

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI 1.05 qw(CW_USEDEFAULT);

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
        -title => 'RichEdit Right Click',
        -left  => CW_USEDEFAULT,
        -size  => [400,300],

my $re = $mw->AddRichEdit(
        -width  => $mw->ScaleWidth,
        -height => $mw->ScaleHeight,
        -onMouseRightUp => sub { print "Right Mouse Up!\n"; 1; },



[1] OK, so an onRightClick event is not supported.  The technical
difference is that onRightClick is only raised by controls that
generate a NM_CLICK notification, which RichEdit controls don't ever
raise.  A RichEdit control will raise a WM_NOTIFY notification, of
type EN_MSGFILTER for a mouse right click, if the event mask for the
control includes ENM_MOUSEEVENTS.  It could be considered a bug that
Win32::GUI does not set all this up and raise the onRightClick event
for RichEdit controls.

[2] If you want to get a right-click notification to display a context
menu, then it is better form to hook the WM_CONTEXTMENU message - this
is sent by the default message handlers if an unprocesssed right-click
is detected, or if the context-menu key (VK_APP, IIRC, to the right of
the space-bar) is pressed.

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