> Hi All,
> I run AS Perl 5.x on a Win95 box at work. The firewall
> prevents ppm from working properly, so when installing
> modules, I usually just take the *.pm files and stick
> them in the right directories. This has worked ok so far.

it works as long the module has no C/C++ part, otherwise
you need one or more *.dll ...

> With Win32::GUI though, I can't seem to get it to work.
> I copied the 3 *.pm files in the GUI module into
> perl/site/lib/Win32 and attempted to run hello.pl which
> comes in samples/. I got this error:
> Can't locate loadable object for module Win32::GUI in
> @INC (@INC contains: D:/Perl/lib D:/Perl/site/lib .)
> at samples\hello.pl line 8
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at samples\hello.pl line 8.
> Deep recursion on subroutine "Win32::GUI::AUTOLOAD" at
> D:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/GUI.pm line 317.
> I take the first line to mean that it can't find GUI.pm.
> But the last line is referencing GUI.pm, so obviously it
> can find it.

the first line mention the "loadable object", which is
GUI.dll in this case.

> Is this because I didn't install the module using
> Makefile.pl? I tried to do so, but am unsure what to do
> with the resulting makefile since I do not have "make" or
> a C compiler on this machine. How do Win32 users usually
> install modules other than by using PPM? I tried to access
> the precompiled binary from Jenda's site, but it was down
> (I assume this is since he joined the Czech army and so it
> will be down for the next year or so... on the other hand, I
> seem to remember some talk of a couple of other people
> maintaining the site while he is away... ?)

Jenda is away, but the site is there; it just changed name,
try http://jenda.mccann.cz :-)


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