I have the same problem of getting through the proxy server so I cannot
install modules from web sites, But I can still use ppm to install all of
the modules I need.

I create a local directory like c:\111 and I copy the perl modules into that
directory remember to get both the .ppd and the .tar.gz files
I then run ppm and try a search /location c:\111 and it will list the
modules I've copied to the local directory.
now just run install /location c:\111 PACKAGE NAME.

to see all of the syntax you can type help install
Hope this works

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 5:43 PM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui] Installing Win32::GUI

Hi All,

I run AS Perl 5.x on a Win95 box at work. The firewall prevents ppm from
      properly, so when installing modules, I usually just take the *.pm
      and stick them in the right directories. This has worked ok so far.

With Win32::GUI though, I can't seem to get it to work.

I copied the 3 *.pm files in the GUI module into perl/site/lib/Win32 and
      attempted to run hello.pl which comes in samples/. I got this error:

Can't locate loadable object for module Win32::GUI in @INC (@INC contains:
      D:/Perl/lib D:/Perl/site/lib .) at samples\hello.pl line 8

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at samples\hello.pl line 8.

Deep recursion on subroutine "Win32::GUI::AUTOLOAD" at
      D:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/GUI.pm line 317.

I take the first line to mean that it can't find GUI.pm. But the last line
      referencing GUI.pm, so obviously it can find it.

Is this because I didn't install the module using Makefile.pl? I tried to do
      but am unsure what to do with the resulting makefile since I do not
      "make" or a C compiler on this machine. How do Win32 users usually
      modules other than by using PPM? I tried to access the precompiled
      from Jenda's site, but it was down (I assume this is since he joined
      Czech army and so it will be down for the next year or so... on the
      hand, I seem to remember some talk of a couple of other people
      the site while he is away... ?)

Any help appreciated,



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