Aldo (and anybody else who might be able to help)...

I want a DialogBox to open a 2nd DialogBox. I don't want to disable the
first DialogBox, yet I don't want the user to be able to focus to the First
DialogBox until they close the 2nd DialogBox.

# With the GetOpenFileName() Function you can prevent focus on 1st DialogBox
while the Open File DialogBox is still open by using the -owner property.
    $file = "*.txt\0" . " " x 256;
    $file = GUI::GetOpenFileName(
        -owner => $DialogBox1,
        -directory => "C:\\",
        -title => "Load EDI/ASN File",
        -file => $file,

# Similarly, you can specify the PARENT with the GUI::MessageBox() Function.
    GUI::MessageBox($DialogBox1,"$msg","About - Load EDI/ASN File",64,);
# Which does the same thing, prevents focus on $DialogBox1 until MessageBox
# is closed.

# Yet you can't create a 2nd DialogBox like this:
    $DialogBox2 = $DialogBox1->AddDialogBox(%OPTIONS);
# Making $DialogBox1 the owner of DialogBox2

# And you can't do this:
    $DialogBox2 = new GUI::DialogBox($DialogBox1, %OPTIONS);

# And you can't do this:
    $DialogBox2 = new GUI::DialogBox(-owner => $DialogBox1);

Is there a syntax I am not aware of?

Eric Hansen

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