On the Apr. 23, 2001 Dan Harding wrote

>My apologies if this is a quasi-FAQ, but a search of the list
>archives didn't pull up anything.
>I'm at my wits end with this one. :)
>I've installed ActivePerl (binary distribution) under
>WinNT4. Using PPM I've installed all the various GD modules.
>I'm running into problems attempting to utilize TrueType
>The PERL code I'm running is listed at the bottom of this
>The routines appear to find the font file in question (i.e.,
>if I change the path to a nonexistent one, or a path where
>the font file does not reside, an error occurs). The
>GD::Image->stringTTF call *does* return an array of dimensions
>for the string, but when the image is created, instead of the
>actual characters of the string, I get square boxes for all
>characters. This is regardless of what font I use (even Arial
>is not being displayed).
>According to discussion threads at Google, supposedly the
>version of GD that I installed has TrueType support enabled.
>Also I tested via the can_do_ttf() function, and the result is
>I don't have the capacity to recompile anything, so I'm somewhat
>at a loss on how to proceed...

I have got the very same problem. I'm using Win2k und Win98 and in both
environments the stringTTF-method outputs the strange square boxes.
The strangest thing about this is that the problem began to occur after an
reinstallation of my system. First everything worked fine and after the
reinstallation the scripts doesn't worrk anymore.
I have got the feeling that the problem has something to do with codepages

Help is very appreciated...

Denis Pasek

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