hello all, 

I am working on a reconnect feature for my ftp program if the connection
times out or closes.

The thing is that when i reconnect, It seems it is not connected even
though i get no errors, as when i do an @myfiles = $ftp->Dir(); there are
no files in the ftp root and all the other ftp commands don't work.

the $INET objects and the $ftp objects are created when the connection is
made on first connect.....I was wondering if the $ftp object does not get
or if a  copy of the connection object ($ftp) is made on reconnect. 

Is their something I am missing for this operation...how would you do a
reconnect when all the arguments are already given?

I appreciate your help.


sub refreshConnection() {
        my @File = $ftp->List( "*.*", 3 );
        my $Count = 0;
        foreach (@File) {        
        if ($Count < 2) {       
        print "Refreshing Connection (reconnecting)\n";
        $INET->FTP( $ftp, 
                        "$pasv") || "***Error: Can't Refresh Connection, Host 
\"$ftphost\" may
be down!\n";    
        } else {
    print "No Connection Refresh required\n"; 

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