Thanks for the tip. I'm now able to get the simple Excel example to work, but I still 
get the same error message when I try to use "InternetExplorer.Application", which is 
what I really want to do. I can't find an entry in dcomcnfg that looks related to this 
application. I did change the default settings for apps that don't provide their own 
settings, but this doesn't see to help.

Any other suggestions?  Why is this so hard? I thought the beauty of OLE Automation 
was that it is supposed to be easy to reuse applications, components, etc. This is not 

Thanks again,

On Sat, 02 June 2001, ryddler wrote:

> Hello david,
> Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 4:42:30 PM, you wrote:
> dcn> I can't seem to get anything to work via Win32::OLE
> dcn> Here's the type of error I get:
> C:\bin>>perl
> dcn> $usernow=DCarter
> dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
> dcn>     in PROPERTYPUT "Visible" at line 23
> dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
> dcn>      in GetIDsOfNames of "Workbooks" at line 25
> dcn> Can't call method "Add" on an undefined value at line 25.
> dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
> dcn>      in GetIDsOfNames of "Quit" at line 0
> dcn>         eval {...} called at line 0
> dcn>         eval {...} called at line 0
> I just pulled my hair out over a very similar scenario with the local
> web-server user. It likely *is* a security issue, and I think your
> answer will be using "dcomcnfg" to change the necessary permissions
> for automation objects. Take a look at this link:
> Take care to make sure if you change the settings that you include
> *ALL* users who might need to run the application you alter. Once I
> had configured the web-server user I mentioned above, I couldn't run
> the scripts with admin access for testing and development anymore
> until I went back in and configured myself with permissions ;)
> Best regards,
> ryddler

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