I don't know of any perl coding relating for this or if a patch for OE is available yet.  I do know that you must have anti-virus software though or it will make it through.  I learned that when Nimda hit our classroom subnet.  Everyone had the system patched with all the patches too.
Anyways, for AV software.  I personally recommend Norton but to the best of my knowledge there is not a Linux version of it.  Norton has a filter scanning ALL incoming and outgoing email.  It will catch virus before it gets to my email box.  Also, I just now updated to the newest virus definitions.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sisyphus
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: OT: Virus

Yeah, as noted on this list, I''ve been caught a couple of times lately by virus attachments that open without being opened. ( The first was Nimda, which, afaik, did not get the chance to spread from this box.) I believe they utilise a hole in the relationship between Outlook Express and Internet Explorer.
There's a patch for that, isn't there ? Or can it also be taken care of with some proper configuration ?
Looks like I'd better get it fixed. I had updated my virus definitions 6 days ago, but it still didn't catch it. Seems I needed to update 2 days ago, as the relevant definitions are now available from my ISP. Maybe he's a bit slow at making them available, or does the virus industry now move that fast ?
CPAN has little to offer in this regard. 'AntiVirus::ForIdiots' doesn't appear to have been written yet.
Anyway, someone had better set me straight on how to close that hole, or I'll have to change my sig to 'Syphillis'.
Hope everyone managed to avoid inconvenience/damage.

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