--- Sisyphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes - this is where a major part of the problem
> lies. How does one configure
> the system so that attachments will not open
> *unless* clicked on ? Afaik my
> configuration will not allow attachments to open
> until they are clicked  -
> yet this is obviously not the case, as they did open
> ( or, at least, opened
> an IE download box ) but they were at no stage
> 'clicked on'.

I have heard that it helps if you configure your
system such that it does not execute random script
files.  FOr example, I have my system set so that any
.vbs file is opened in Notepad.  If I want to execute
it (unlikely in my case) I have to right click and
choose 'execute'.  This is merely a Windows file-type
set default action, no real cofiguration changes made.
 In addition, I'm not sure that this would stop much. 
I definitely don't have this setting for .exe files. 
But as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't hurt to have
the extra precaution.

> What sort of kindergarten genius devises a system
> that needs a patch for
> something that should be easily handled by user
> configuration ? 

Uhh, is the answer Microsoft..?  ;)

Jeffrey Hottle
nkuvu at yahoo dot com

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