Just to let you know, I used the repository you suggested below (which
wasn't in the documentation!), and it worked!

Thank you very much.

Bruce Hodo
Web Developer
EOP Corporate
----- Forwarded by Bruce Hodo/Information_Systems/Corporate/Equity_Office
on 01/08/02 04:31 PM -----
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        
                    Sent by:                                    To:     
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                    eState.com                                  Subject:     Re: 
Installing modules through a proxy using ppm             
                    01/02/02 05:12 PM                                                  

I tried this, and it says that it couldn't find the module for my platform,
even though I ran it from the same directory as the PPD. I even tried
giving it a complete path "c:\yaddayadda". I haven't been able to get ANY
modules installed on my NT SP6 system.


   If it gets to be too bothersome you can download the zip from


   and install (using ppm) as per the instructions in the 'readme' file

   contained in the zip.



Bruce Hodo
Web Developer
EOP Corporate
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