From: Matthew Daly

I hope that portability questions aren't too frowned upon here.  I tried
asking my Perl Unix guru friends, but I got the feeling that I would have
to redesign my program to fit the paradigm that his solution would require.

I'm using Win32::Process to create, query, and remove processes.  But now
we want to have portable code that works on Linux as well.  Are there any
CPAN modules that have the same purpose and a similar interface?


Win32::Process::Create($ProcessObj,"notepad.exe", "notepad.exe",
0,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,".") or die ErrorReport();
unless ($ProcessObj->Wait(5000))
     die "The process took too long and was aborted.\n";
print "The process ended in time.\n";

sub ErrorReport{print Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );}

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