Thanks, Jack.   I have the Mastering Perl/Tk book and I've even
tried the examples.  It's just not working.  :-(   I sincerely appreciate
your input.

I'll look into some other options.



Jack wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Carter A. Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I'm having some difficultly understanding how to use fileevent.  I have
>>Perl/TK script as a wrapper for a source control system command
>>and I'd like to catch the output of the command in a text window.  I've
>>read that the way to do this is use fileevent to signal that output is
>>available without blocking the application.  My problem is simply,
>>I don't know how to do that as I'm relatively new to Perl/Tk.
>I strongly suggest buying Mastering Perl/Tk by Lidie and Walsh. Luckily -
>chapter 15 is available as a sample which covers fileevent.
>Note: I don't know of many people (if any) who have gotton fileevent to work
>properly on Win32. A suggested alternative can be found in the cplt archives
>using polling and pipes..

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