Title: RE: OO question

I think the answer is yes, you can do it all in one process. If I understand you correctly you want to know whether you can do something like this:

use Nathan::Rimmers::Module;
my %array;
my $do = new Nathan::Rimmers::Module;
my $result = $do->something(%array);
# Do something with $result
### END

versus having to do it like so:

use Nathan::Rimmers::Module;
my %array;
my $do = new Nathan::Rimmers::Module;
foreach my $key (keys %array)
        my $result = $do->something($array{$key});
        # Do something with $result
### END

Either approach can work. It just depends on what you're trying to do. Might be a good reason to 'use Benchmark' and see which gives the faster (better?) result (I'm betting on the former). Or am I misunderstanding your question?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Rimmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:28
> Subject: OO question
> I'm starting to get into OO programming with Perl and
> have a question.
> As I understand it with OO - you create an object and
> then do something to it.
> I have a list of values in an array and I wish to do
> the same "something" to all of them.
> Do I need to create an object for each value in the
> array and then do something to all of them ?
> Or can I create 1 object and do the "something" to all
> the values from within that 1 object ? (if that makes
> sense !)
> Thanks,
> Nathan
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