At 09:32 2002-10-23 +0100, Beckett Richard-qswi266 wrote:
Does anyone have, or can point me to a script that has a GUI front end that
I can pull apart and play with?
If you want to use Win32::GUI as the GUI toolkit, this is a useful repost from the win32-gui-users list:


In the source distriution (at SourceForge) there are a few indispensible sample scripts.

Other programs you can study:

A PerlMonks chat client

A news aggregator

A GUI designer

A POD/code browser

A GUI designer


The last program, The GUI Loft, also contains *gasp* demo scripts :)


-------- ------ ---- --- -- -- -- - - - - -
Johan Lindström Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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