On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Stovall, Adrian M. wrote:

> Why don't you try changing the die statement to a print statement...that
> way you'll see the error in the browser...
> open(inf,"tester.pl") or print "Error: $!\n";
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sisyphus [mailto:kalinabears@;hdc.com.au]
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 7:45 AM
> To: Perl-Win32-Users
> Subject: Re: CGI on iis5 question
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tillman, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Mike:
> > Rob's on the right track here with his response, but remember that
> > open() does not die when it fails (all the more reason to do what Rob
> > suggests
> and
> > put the die call in there).
> But he already has a 'die' call in place, iirc .... so it *would* die
> silently right then and there if the open() fails. (I was suggesting
> that he include the '$!' bit so that there would be some announcement
> accompanying such a death.)
> Seems pretty strange to me ... but with IIS, it appears that anything is
> possible :-)

The OP could also do:

use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

This can be done  even if you are not otherwise using the CGI module.
This will capture information from _all_ fatals, those caught
by 'die' and also those not caught by 'die'. Once the CGI application
has been debugged, the 'use' can be taken out or commented out.

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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