Adam Frielink wrote:
I posted this yesterday on the Win32-database list and got no response.  Can
anyone help with this problem?

I am trying to debug this script of mine, but I cannot seen to understand
why  I get the following error...

"Tk::Error: Can't locate object method "new" via package "XBase" at
C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ line 327."

This application worked under 628.  I recently wiped my AS perl build 628
and installed build 804.  I then used the VPM and installed these two
modules, so I believe I have the current versions as there are no updates
available.  Anyone have any thoughts?  Thanks for any assistance.


Hello Adam --

Funny you should send this today.

Unless I'm completely fogged, this may be the clue trail to follow:

The other day I thought I'd be helpful and reply to a post about I looked at the post, looked at my install, 'realized' I was a few cliks out of date and 'upgraded'... to Xbase.PM 1.07. From .... like... 0.92..??

Looking at my DBD::XBase module (note the ... um... 'b' vs. 'B'?)... it calls for this module:

" use XBase;"

See the capital bee?

My scripts now die with the same error your trace found. Ouch.

PPM Search xbase yeilds:

Packages available from
DBD-XBase [0.231] Reads and writes XBase (dbf) files, includes DBI support
Xbase [1.07 ] Perl Module to Read Xbase DBF Files and Foxpro IDX indexes

So, I have to try to undo my 'upgrade' (oh, how I wish I weren't on a windoze box this week! AARgghhh!) -- and let you know what I find for the good, old XBase (with a capital Bee).

-- mike higgins

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__ __ and others, the canvas we're dealt.
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