lorid wrote:
> Thanks Bill!
> Your code worked great, I tested it on a different url and it worked ! yeah, but
> it timed out on the page Im trying to get (Im working from home on a 56k modem) but 
> it
> seems to get
> other pages just fine. With the debug code I can see that on  the ... quakes.all 
> page it
> zips along and then
> it hangs. I played with increasing the timeout and it still timesout... must be
> something in the source code..
> but the main thing is now I can use LWP to get files.
> The purpose in reading this file was to learn how to get a file thru LWP (even 
> through a
> proxy) to parse it
> and create new files.
> Ive got the rest working fine but was stuck on the proxy part... thanks again

Some sites may need to send cookies.

Try using one of these (the third one will allow you to save them
between session):

$ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => 'lwpcookies.txt',
  autosave => 1));

You can also check out WWW::Mechanize for this sort of thing.

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //      Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic http://www.todbe.com/
-/-' /___/_<_</_</_    http://dbecoll.tripod.com/ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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