John Deighan wrote:
I have a Perl script, running under IIS, using PerlEx. It is able to read and write files located on external storage using a UNC path. However, if that same Perl script invokes a second Perl script (using the backticks syntax, e.g. `perl`), then that second Perl script cannot read the same file - I get a "no such file" type of error message in the $! variable. Why would this happen?

Looks to me that the UNC path is being interpreted as a local file path. Something to do with the number of backslashes you're providing perhaps.

I've actually come across the reverse problem where, under backticks, '\\perl\\bin\\perl' is being interpreted as a network path. In my case, the fix was to specify 'D:\\perl\\bin\\perl' - which still mystifies me, given that the script running the backticks command is in the 'D' drive.


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