I have a script that produces status information for server queues. When I
execute the script from the server command line I obtain the desired
results. When the script is executed unattended by the local account of
servers (using AutoExNT from Win2k resource kit) service the local profile
of the account used to executes the script gets locked (unable to delete the
profile). This would indicate that something is still open and the profile
cannot be closed properly by the system. 

I would appreciate if someone could have a look and let me know if there is
something obvious I'm missing. The code in question is should only be the of
the "*** SUB HW_INV ***"

# *** MODULES ***
   use DBI;
   use DBD::mysql;
   use Socket;
   use Sys::Hostname;
   use Win32::OLE qw(in with);

# *** VARIABLES ***
   my $count       = 0;
   my $host        = hostname();
   my $db = 'DBI:mysql:testDB:test.domain.com;
   my $username = 'user';
   my $pass = 'password';
# *** CONSTANTS ***
   my %detectedErrorState = (
      "0"               => [ "Unknown" ],
      "1"               => [ "Other" ],
      "2"               => [ "No error" ],
      "3"               => [ "Low paper" ],
      "4"               => [ "No paper" ],
      "5"               => [ "Low toner" ],
      "6"               => [ "No toner" ],
      "7"               => [ "Door open" ],
      "8"               => [ "Jammed" ],
      "9"               => [ "Offline" ],
      "10"              => [ "Service requested" ],
      "11"              => [ "Output bin full" ]);

   my %Status = (
      "1"               => [ "Other" ],
      "2"               => [ "Unknown" ],
      "3"               => [ "Idle" ],
      "4"               => [ "Printing" ],
      "5"               => [ "Warmup" ],
      "6"               => [ "Stopped printing" ],
      "7"               => [ "Offline" ]);

# *** MAIN ***
   @ctime = localtime(time);
   $day = $ctime[3];
   $month = $ctime[4] + 1;
   $year = $ctime[5] + 1900;
   $newdate = sprintf("%s-%02s-%02s",$year,$month,$day);
   #print ("$printer_server: ($count) Printer Alerts. Done.\n");
# *** END MAIN ***

# *** SUB HW_INV ***
sub hw_inv {
   # Gather Printer Status
   my $WMI = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') || die "Cannot
access WMI on local server: ", Win32::OLE->LastError;
   my $Services = $WMI->ConnectServer($host) || die "Cannot access WMI on
remote machine: ", Win32::OLE->LastError;
   # Gather Computer System Information
   my $printer_set = $Services->InstancesOf("Win32_Printer");
   my $dbh = DBI->connect($db, $username, $pass) || die $DBI::errstr,"\n";
   foreach my $printer (in($printer_set)) {
      my $printer_name         = $printer->{'Caption'};
      my $printer_desc         = $printer->{'Description'};
      my $printer_error        = $printer->{'DetectedErrorState'};
      my $printer_driver       = $printer->{'DriverName'};
      my $printer_jobs         = $printer->{'JobCountSinceLastReset'};
      my $printer_location     = $printer->{'Location'};
      my $printer_state        = $printer->{'PrinterState'};
      my $printer_status       = $printer->{'PrinterStatus'};
      my $printer_stat         = $printer->{'Status'};
      my $printer_server       = $printer->{'SystemName'};
      if ($printer_error != 0) {
         my $sql = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO SUPPORTPRINTER (Printer, Jobs,
Message, Status, Model, Executed) VALUES
      if (($printer_error == 0) && ($printer_status == 1)) {
         my $sql = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO SUPPORTPRINTER (Printer, Jobs,
Message, Status, Model, Executed) VALUES
# *** END HW_INV ***

Frank Pikelner

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