Does anyone have a problem running the same script accross different MS platforms? I have a snippet below from the Awin32::AdminMisc docs to get the diskspace size.

use Win32::AdminMisc;

@Geometry = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveGeometry("//server/c\$");
$Free = $Geometry[0] * $Geometry[1] * $Geometry[2];
$Total = $Geometry[0] * $Geometry[1] * $Geometry[3];
print "Sectors per cluster: $Geometry[0]\n";
print "Bytes per Sector:    $Geometry[1]\n";
print "Free clusters:       $Geometry[2]\n";
print "Total clusters:      $Geometry[3]\n";
print "Total Drive Size:    $Total\n";
print "Total Free Space:    $Free\n";

Notice the UNC "//server/c\$"

This works great on Windows XP and 2003 Server. But does not work on 2000 Advanced Server? If I set the path on the above to just a local drive "c:\\" it works.

I took this small snippet and compiled it with perlapp --verbose and copied the .exe to many different servers, and it will not work on 2000?

I also copied it to another 2000 server with the exact same version of Perl installed and it won't work.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why?

Thanks in advance

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