On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Roy Huggins wrote:

> Okay, the problem seems to be that the toolkit download
> does not include msvcrt.lib. It needs to be findable
> before you run Makefile.PL.
> The SDK does not include this file, either. It only has
> the 64 bit version.
> So I got a copy of the libs, headers, etc from VC98 and
> tried compiling against that. It worked!
> But the compiled module throws unhelpful runtime errors
> when I try to use it. :P My guess is that there is a
> collision with compiler versions. At this point, I really
> don't know what to do. Has anyone else managed to compile
> Win32::Screenshot from sources?

That's probably a good guess about an incompatibility ...

Using VC++ 6, I tried compiling it, and it was OK - I
put up a ppm package of it at
This needs ImageMagick, a Win32 binary of which you can
get at

> I emailed the author to see if he has a PPD for it. No
> response yet. :) ActiveState has this module listed in
> it's list of known modules but it is marked as having
> failed their tests. The reason for failure, however, is
> that it has a prereq of PerlMagick (Image::Magick). Does
> ActiveState require that a module have no prereqs outside
> of the core for it to include PPDs for that module?

No, but it does require that any prerequisites outside
of the core build and pass all their tests.

best regards,
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