John Deighan wrote:

> That's all very useful information, but there's no mention of what takes 
> precedence - this reset statement or a user function named "reset". Why 
> would an obscure feature like this reset statement take precedence over a 
> user-written function with the same name? The result will inevitably be 
> that buggy code will be created. In my case, I provided data to my boss 
> that was incorrect because the reset() function that I wrote wasn't being 
> called. There's no way that I'm going to take the name of every function I 
> ever write and search the Perl docs to see if it's a reserved name.

A good highlighting editor would have given you a clue (gvim for example
will highlight in brown all core functions).

Adding a '&' or 'main::' in front of the name:
        &reset ($arg);
        main::reset ($arg);
should get your sub rather than the core function.

use subs qw(reset);         will also work as previously posted.

I suggest you read the perlsub man page for some background.

The syntax highlighting file in gvim has a pretty comprehensive list
of reserved words if you want a copy - or even better adopt it as
your editor (an emacs variant, if you prefer, should also be fine).

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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